
You deserve to pass the exam and we help you do it!

We believe every dietitian can pass the exam, but we don't believe it has to be stressful!

Be Part of the Passing Percentage!®

You’ve come so far already. Now all that’s standing between you and your future as a dietitian is … the exam.

Don’t let failure hold you back.

The KEY Strategy®

Pass with confidence the first time!

Study with experts

Learn from experts currently practicing in their field with real, authentic and up-to-date information.

Pass with confidence

Study with tools that are suited to your individual learning style and pass the exam successfully!

Launch your career!

With the exam under your belt there’s no holding your career as a dietitian back! Be Part of the Passing Percentage!®

Get ready!

You’ve studied hard! You’ve completed your internship. Now you’re at the last hurdle. The exam!

National pass rates are low: 66% or more of students have taken the exam once already and not had their desired outcome.

Don’t waste any more time.

Our expert tutors have a passion for mentoring and will help you get that passing score so you can launch your career as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

We’ve been helping students pass the exam since 2015

Here’s the recipe for exam success.

⅓ cup Strength

Knowledge is strength. So many students get stuck here however, as too much knowledge can become overwhelming without our next ingredient.

⅓ cup Stability

Stability comes from strategy and reduces the overwhelm caused by gaining knowledge. The stability you gain from applying strategy to your knowledge allows you to confidently apply your skills to help you pass the exam.

⅓ cup Stress Reduction

Stress reduction helps you prepare and sit the exam with a clear, focused mind. We help our students reduce their stress and achieve exam success by teaching self-awareness, self-acceptance, positive self-talk and self-care.

The Original Dietetic Exam Test Prep Company

RefreshExamS® tutors have been helping dietetic students be part of the passing percentage since 2015. We’re the original Exam Tutors.

With our boutique approach, we’ve perfected our processes to give you the best experience.

So you get the best value and the best chance of getting across the line and starting your career as a dietitian with confidence.

Get set!

We know there’s more to just learning the facts when it come to successfully passing your registration exam.

With our tried and tested KEY Strategy®, we teach you how to study and answer exam questions with techniques tailored to your learning style.

So you can learn the concepts, know how to answer the questions and retain the information to use it in practice.

The KEY Strategy®

Knowledge is only half the exam success battle! Our signature strategy shares with you how to read the questions, understand what they’re asking and choose the correct answer. Many of our students credit The KEY Strategy® as the essential element that helped them get their career off the ground!

This method has been developed over years of tutoring, giving you a repeatable structure and decision-making framework that works even if you don’t know all the information!


Your career as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist is more than just passing the exam.

The first 5-year accreditation period is crucial to establishing your skills as a confident, stand-out dietitian.

We help you get a deep understanding of the topics you’re studying because you have to go out there in the field and use your knowledge in practice!

Coming Soon!

The KEY Strategy® Academy

The Key Strategy Coach Academy provides dietitians with the framework, materials, and certification to tutor the next generation of dietitians.

The program aims to address the concerning pass rates for these exams and prevent a shortage of quality dietitians.

Ilene invites interested dietitians to register their interest today!

Expert Tutors With Real Life Experience

You want tutors who have real life experience to help you learn and understand what you’re learning. To get a true understanding, you need to learn from a genuine expert in the field with years of experience. Our tutors are all working professionals who can supplement your factual knowledge with real stories and authentic examples that help you recall during the exam.

We teach in English & Spanish!

"I searched various courses on the internet which is how I found RefreshExamS®. I inquired about information and Ilene contacted me immediately. We talked, she explained the program and gave me the opportunity to talk with Maria, one of the tutors who speaks Spanish and English fluently, who has been fabulous since one of the limitations for me was the language. The time she took to listen to me and answer all of my questions was what led to my decision. The program seemed very complete to me, covering all the exam topics, but they showed me how to understand the questions, identify the answer, and most importantly, gave me back my confidence. Never give up. Third attempt RD!"
Alejandra Pérez Irigoyen BS, RD

Hablamos y enseñamos en español

"Busqué varios cursos en internet y así fue como encontré RefreshExamS®. Pedí información y Ilene me contacto de inmediato. Platicamos, me explico el programa y me dio la oportunidad de platicar con María, una de las tutoras que domina el español e inglés lo cual es maravilloso ya que una de las limitantes para mí era el idioma. El tiempo que se tomaron para escucharme y contestar todas mis dudas fue lo que hizo que tomara la decisión." El programa me pareció muy completo, abarca todos los temas del examen, pero me ensenaron a entender las preguntas, identificar la respuesta y algo muy importante volver a confiar en mi. Nunca se den por vencidas. Tercer intento RD!!"
Alejandra Pérez Irigoyen BS, RD

The numbers show we’re passionate about helping our students achieve their dream of being an Registered Dietitian

78% pass rates for first time test takers*

Pass rates 1.5% higher than national rates for repeat test takers**

88 out of 158 students passed in 5 years tutoring

*Based on RefreshExamS® data from 2016-2020 for repeat test takers and 2017-2021 for first time test takers.
**Per CDR data: The pass rate is 34.4% without intervention, but if you take the test more than 4 times, the national average is only 21%.

Are you a Dietetic
Internship Director?

It can be hard preparing students for the RD exam, especially as their pass rates influence your accreditation.

By partnering with the expert exam tutors at RefreshExamS®, we can help you offer the best training package to your interns.

Learn how RefreshExamS® can help your internship program!

Be Part of the Passing Percentage!®

1. Choose your program

Decide which of our comprehensive programs fits your needs the best. We’ve worked with hundreds of students over the years and have put everything we know works into convenient live, group, and individual packages.

2. Book a call

We’d love to chat before you sign up. Book a call and let’s talk through your challenges and goals. So you can be sure you’re booked on the right program for you!

3. Be Part of the Passing Percentage!®

Let us help you get over the finish line and join us in the community of passionate Registered Dietitian Nutritionists ready to change the health of the US!

Get your studies across the finishing line!

You want tutors who have real-life experience to help you learn and understand what you’re learning. To get a true understanding, you want to learn from genuine experts in the field with years of experience. Our tutors are all working professionals who can supplement your factual knowledge with real stories and authentic examples that help you with recall during the exam.