We believe you can cross the
finish line & unlock your career
in nutrition!

We work with you until you pass
exam with confidence!

We've your back when it comes to getting you across the exam finish line

Join our programs.

Be part of the passing percentage!®

Study with experts

Learn from experts currently practising in their field with real, authentic and up-to-date information.

Pass with confidence

Study with tools that are suited to your individual learning style and pass the exam successfully!

Launch your career!

With the exam under your belt there’s no holding your career as a dietitian back! Be part of the passing percentage!®

Be Part of the Passing Percentage!®

1. Choose your program

Decide which of our comprehensive programs fits your needs the best. We’ve worked with hundreds of students over the years and have put everything we know works into convenient live, group, and individual packages.

2. Book a call

We’d love to chat before you sign up. Book a call and let’s talk through your challenges and goals. So you can be sure you’re booked on the right program for you!

3. Be Part of the Passing Percentage!®

Let us help you get over the finish line and join us in the community of passionate Registered Dietitian Nutritionists ready to change the health of the US!

Get your studies across the finishing line!

You want tutors who have real-life experience to help you learn and understand what you’re learning. To get a true understanding, you need to learn from a genuine expert in the field with years of experience. Our tutors are all working professionals who can supplement your factual knowledge with real stories and authentic examples that help you recall during the exam.