5 KEY Questions to Ask When Searching For an RD Exam Prep Company

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From the desk of a determined RD2B,

As a seasoned RD exam test taker, I have searched far and wide for resources that would enable me to find success on the RD exam. Like many test takers, I started with the more common “popular” resources. However, I learned quickly that truly understanding concepts was not going to come from staring at a plain white piece of paper that had paragraphs of information written on it. I tried this method, and it didn’t work for me. Actually, it didn’t work for me 4 times. Yes, I came close to passing many times. I always joke that I’ll have a collection of the print outs by the time I pass the exam and will consider 24 to be my unlucky number for life.

But here’s the thing, with having taken the exam multiple times I’ve changed my perspective on test preparation materials. It’s not about what works for others, it’s about what will work for me. I wanted to share what I learned in general about the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to searching for an RD exam tutoring & test prep company. My aim is to hopefully help you in your search of finding the best tutoring company that fits your needs.

1. What is their “WHY” and responsiveness?

Anyone can become a tutor and no special certification is needed to be one. During my search for the right tutors, I’ve noticed that the best ones will tell you their story. I personally was looking for someone who had a passion for tutoring, and was not just in it for the money. I wanted someone who cared about my success as much as I do. This also goes along with them being enthusiastic. Honestly is a value of mine, and I was looking for a tutor whose story sounded true and authentic. What made them want to tutor for the exam? You can feel their passion through their why. Studying can be kind of boring, so I want to work with someone who is going to make it fun!

I also notice how tutors respond to student questions. If someone asks a question, how does the tutor respond? Even if It’s a basic question, I want to work with a tutor who is respectful and non-judgmental. Next, if there was a question asked, how did the tutor respond if they don’t know the answer? Does the tutor say that they will research the topic and will get back to you? Then do they actually get back to you? It’s so important for the tutor to follow up with their students. I also don’t expect my tutor to know everything. It’s not realistic, but what’s most important is that they’re honest about what they know and that they care about getting back to me.

2. Quality of resources – are they worth the investment?

This is going to be one of the most important exams you take in your life. You are going to have to invest in it financially, but remember that you will get a return on the investment after you pass. I understand that everyone’s price points are different, but it’s important to think about if you’re getting your money’s worth.

Many students, like myself, look to different online venues (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) to find tutors providing help for this exam. There are so many social media outlets out there, so it makes it difficult to choose one. This led me to look for a company that had a program that was more like a college course. I settled on a company that teaches you HOW to take the exam, and doesn’t just review outdated, popular resources. We RDs2B need to study the topics that are relevant to the exam, but also to the profession so we can be better RDNs in the end!

A company that provides original homework on each main topic on the exam, including PowerPoints, handouts, and flashcards with ample time to access the recordings is what met my needs most. Typically, you want to study for the exam at least one month in advance, so hiring a tutor/company that is generous with the amount of time they provide to access the materials is a wise investment. To me, this is a sign that the tutor/company wants me to succeed and that it goes far beyond the money. I also checked out free resources offered, such as video clips. As you research companies, I recommend asking yourself these questions:

● Do I understand the tutor’s teaching style?

● How is their pace and way of explaining concepts?

● Do they give examples to create understanding or just quick anecdotes to help with recall?

● Do the resources have relevance to the RD exam?

I definitely recommend asking the company how often they update their resources. Do they make changes in accordance with new guidelines? The best resources I’ve found were concise, relevant and current.

3. Who is tutoring me?

When looking for help on the RD exam the first thing you’re going to look for (this may be obvious) is if the tutor has passed the RD exam and is currently a registered dietitian nutritionist. Then there are the less obvious questions:

How many years of professional experience do the tutors have? Do their credentials match on all professional and social platforms when appropriate, i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram? I would prefer to work with a tutor who has been working for a while due to their acquired knowledge in the field of dietetics from years of experience.

Other questions to ask: Do they have a website? Does their website reflect their why and represent themselves in an honest and open way? Does their website speak to YOU by showing they understand your challenges, and offer solutions? The same questions can apply for any social media platforms they are on.

I would be most trusting of a tutor who is currently working with patients. Some tutors I’ve come across have either stopped practicing years ago or are not working in the field of dietetics aside from tutoring, while others maintain a job in the field or work in a private practice setting. A tutor who has current experience will be able to take the concepts we need to know for the exam and help us relate them to the exam scenarios. This really helps with application needed on the test.

Another detail I look for in a tutoring company is if they have NEW RDNs. Surprisingly, this is a benefit because a new RDN knows what it feels like to be in that exam room! This individual has their exam experience fresh in their mind. They can really relate to what you are experiencing now, whether it’s stress from studying or even uncertainty. The best companies and tutors I’ve found are the ones that have a combination of experienced RDNs and new RDNs.

Having realistic expectations of a tutoring and test preparation company is essential. The practice of dietetics is not just in one area, but in multiple. Therefore, one person cannot truly be an expert on the entire exam. We all have areas of nutrition that we excel at and ones that we struggle with. I’m most attracted to a tutoring company who has a team of tutors that work together to answer questions and provide students with top notch explanations.

A great tutoring service will tell stories (even quirky ones) to create understanding of concepts that can be dry and complicated to remember! A great test prep company will also refer to other tutors on the team (in the same way as we learn to refer to other RDNs if something is out of our expertise). I LOVE having a tutor for each domain or topic while studying for the exam. Imagine having an expert that works in that field of dietetics provide you with answers to every question you may have! This is why It’s so beneficial to have multiple tutors who work together and collaborate with one another.

4. What are their pass rates & statistics?

When companies provide statistics, it can be tricky to understand if you don’t have a lot of experience in research methods. Having taken several rigorous statistics classes as part of my master’s degree and preparing to present my thesis, I’ve learned that you MUST look at it with a critical eye. So, your first question would be: How long have they been offering tutoring services?

Another statistic that RDs2Bs undoubtedly look at is pass rates. Another good point to look out for is how they determine their pass rates. I have the most respect for a company who shows pass rates that may fluctuate year to year, but are still significantly higher than the national average. Another good question to ask is how do they get their data to support their statistics? When the company discloses realistic but impressive pass rates and illustrates their data to support their claims, I feel confidence in them that they can help me too!

I’m not the only test taker out there that’s struggling. There are plenty of repeat test takers that need extra help! When a company acknowledges this by conducting research you know they’ll be focused on creating the BEST intervention to help their students.This means they see a problem and the end goal is to find the best possible solution.

Companies should also acknowledge their limitations. No company is going to be perfect. You can have the most trust in a company that’s being honest with you as a student, sharing both their strengths and listening to your feedback to help them improve.

The main takeaway is that you’ll want to review their sources for validity and integrity. This is good research and these concepts are bound to be on the RD exam too!

5. Do they provide additional support before and after the exam?

Studying for this exam takes a lot out of you. Mentally it can be exhausting. There are companies that focus on helping you destress. Some offer webinars that focus on teaching you how to take a breath and relax, and to refuel your body. Some even provide you with additional information to help you identify if you suffer from test anxiety (a super common problem on the exam) and provide resources to help. These are HUGE bonuses because your health matters at the end of the day. Companies that provide these resources are showing you that you are more than just a number!

Another way companies can support you is by focusing on determining your learning style and then catering their teaching to how you learn best. I’m not an auditory learner so If a tutor is only talking I would have a much harder time learning new material. Being a visual learner, I would be able to absorb the material so much more easily if a tutor shows a colorful PowerPoint slide deck while they teach, Regardless of your learning style, another good question to ask yourself is “Do they present information clearly in a way that you can understand? In my opinion, the best tutors repeat key concepts. Do they ask thought provoking questions and give students the chance to answer and provide feedback? This is another good quality I’ve found helpful.

Next up: look for a company and tutor that is going to support you before the exam and after, regardless of the outcome. This type of support going into the exam can have a major impact on how you FEEL while taking the exam. Now the harder question to answer and one that we may not like to think about: What if you fail? The reality is, while you can boost your confidence, you won’t know your results until the clock stops. If you do fail, you’ll undoubtedly feel disappointed or upset afterwards. I validate those feelings because I’ve been there too, and too many times.

A good tutoring company will reach out to you. They will listen and offer suggestions on how to improve so you can be more prepared the next time you take it. Some will even offer special offerings on classes or materials. Again, this shows that the company and tutors are fully invested in continuing to work with you until you pass and are committed to your success no matter what!

A couple last questions around something very important to me: the sensitivity of the tutor. When I failed the exam, I needed support. Even those of you who are first time test takers can probably attest that it’s scary going in there and no matter how much you study, you never feel ready. Does the tutor appear compassionate by acknowledging that the exam IS challenging and offer solutions?

This blog post offered food for thought about RD exam prep companies, but at the end of the day remember that you have to put in the work and are responsible for yourself. There are no guarantees in life.

“It always seems impossible, until it is done”(Nelson Mandela).

I look forward to updating you all on when I become a Registered Dietitian! Until then, I hope these suggestions will steer you in the right direction in getting the support you need to become an RDN too!

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