Passing the exam & beyond

RefreshExamS® virtual self-care & support

Knowing the topics is only part of what it takes to pass the exam.

With our unique self-care, study techniques and mindset programs, you’ll pass the exam without the drama!

Self-Care Is Success:

A 6-Week Support Group For Test Takers

Studying for the exam can be tough. But there’s no reason to feel alone or frustrated.

It’s more than just studying and knowledge that impacts your exam score.

Join our 6-week support group that takes you from feeling frustrated to fantastic: embracing the tools of self-care so you can come out on top. This type of event does not exist anywhere else!

  • Yoga, breathing & meditation with Linsey Johnson (yoga teacher) & Ilene Cohen, certified yoga therapist
  • Group coaching session / managing test anxiety with neuropsychologist Dr. Jessica Meister, PsyD
  • Cook along session with culinary dietitian/nutritionist and certified natural foods chef Michele Rafeld, MS, RDN
  • Adopting an optimistic mindset with RefreshExamS™ tutors
  • Incorporating essential oils to reduce stress and improve focus with Nicole DeAvilla, C-IAYT
  • Other relevant topics and lots of time for the group to get support from our amazing tutors and each other!

Test Anxiety:

How To Manage Your Worries & Perform Up To Your Potential

Webinar recording
Have you ever gone into a test knowing all the facts but as soon as you sit down the nerves get to you. All the information flies out your head and you’re left with nothing. We know first-hand how exam worries can ruin your chances of success. So we’ve partnered with esteemed neuropsychologist Dr. Jessica Meister, PsyD, for an exclusive webinar on the topic of test taking anxiety.

Dr. Jessica Meister, Psy.D.

Dr. Meister, a Clinical Neuropsychologist & Licensed Clinical Psychologist, shares :

  • an overview of test taking anxiety
  • strategies to help cope
  • exam preparation advice, and much more!

Whether you’re yet to take the exam, or even for those who have already taken it and need guidance with anxiety in their workplace life, purchase this webinar recording for 30-days access and download and keep the PDF slide deck!

Be Part of the Passing Percentage!®

If you’re struggling with studying for the RD exam, or even if you just want more helpful tips for how to ace the test, this webinar will teach you how to turn your knowledge into a passing score on the exam! Come and learn about the alarming statistics regarding the RD exam pass rates and find out how RefreshExamS® is responding to these statistics and compare our own rates! Learn how to stay motivated while studying during this difficult time. And get a copy of our study plan that you can incorporate into your daily routine! Find out more information on our RD Exam prep courses and study packages.
SPECIAL GIFT: Free bonus handout: 7 Steps to a Stellar Study Plan

RefreshExamS® Customized Study Plan

Make the most of every opportunity to study for your exams.
In this 45-minute session, let our expert tutors help you take your daily schedule and turn it into daily, manageable study plan. Within 24 hours after your consultation you will receive a detailed, customized written study plan using resources including the RefreshExamS® flashcard sets and more. After purchasing this product, you will receive a colorful study plan handout to get you motivated before you schedule your session with us!
RefreshExamS study planning dietitian exams success study tutoring be a part of passing percentage
RefreshExamS meal cooking class Ilene Cohen exams success study tutoring be a part of passing percentage

No Nonsense Virtual Cooking Class:

Fast, Easy & Delish Study Meals

Feed yourself the best, most delicious foods and nourish your body through your study plan!
Join me, Ilene Cohen, founder of RefreshExams® and owner of PranaSpirit Nutrition & Wellness and certified chef, Michele Rafeld for a fun evening of virtual cooking classes!
  • Learn to cook an easy, nourishing and delicious recipe with vegetarian and vegan variations.
  • The recipe will be provided to all attendees who pre register so you can cook along with us!
  • We’ll share tips on knife and other skills will be provided that can also help you to teach your patients or future patients how to cook simple and easy recipes!
"One of my major issues during the exam was extreme test taking anxiety which caused me to rush through the questions or get quickly discouraged if I couldn’t figure out what a tricky question was asking. After many failed attempts, I figured out how to calm myself through exercise, low sugar /moderate carb, sleep and meditation. These lifestyle changes helped me out tremendously to improve my anxiety and were a great adjunct to the advice and supportive help I got from RefreshExamS®"
Anonymous, MS, RDN
"Using RefreshExamS® helped me structure my studying. I was overwhelmed with the amount of information that was required for the RD exam. RefreshExamS® helped give me a study plan. Each week I studied a different subject. RefreshExamS® also helped me feel mentally prepared for the exam. I was able to let go of my stress and test anxiety. I trusted myself and my knowledge. When I walked into the building to take my exam, I told myself that I had prepared myself to the best of my ability and I was fully confident I was going to pass the exam. This is the third time I took the exam; this was the first time I felt confident, knowledgeable, and at peace."

Hi! I'm Ilene

Hi, I’m Ilene, founder of RefreshExams®, LLC

I’m passionate about our profession and the students who are working hard to turn their passion for nutrition into their future as a dietitian.

Since 2015, my team and I have tutored hundreds of dietitians-to-be with my unique methods. As a certified yoga therapist, I believe firsthand in the importance of self-care when it comes to studying.

Now it’s your turn to get your studies over the final hurdle, pass the exam and set up your dream career the right way!

More options to success

Get your studies across the finishing line!

You want tutors who have real-life experience to help you learn and understand what you’re learning. To get a true understanding, you need to learn from a genuine expert in the field with years of experience. Our tutors are all working professionals who can supplement your factual knowledge with real stories and authentic examples that help you recall during the exam.