The Final 20: The KEY Piece You Need To Know For The RD Exam

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As RDs2B, we all know how hard it is to prepare for the RD exam. We spend countless hours studying, making sure every last bit of information that we learned throughout our years of undergraduate and/or grad school is engrained in our memory. And then suddenly, it’s the night before the exam date and we just hope that everything we’ve done up to that point is enough to pass.

Now as a new RDN with the exam behind me, I can say that there was one key piece of information that I honestly believe helped me pass the exam. I had a conversation with Ilene before my exam after I went through RefreshRD courses. She talked to me about the structure of the exam and how many of her students are asked questions beyond the necessary 125, often getting asked the max of 145 questions. She explained that the way a test taker approaches those last 20 questions is key to getting a passing score on the exam. With this approach applied correctly, it can feel like the exam is actually helping you get the best score possible by feeding you more and more questions that, if you answer correctly, raises your score. It’s all about getting in the right mindset and believing in yourself, and I was determined to take Ilene’s advice.

I kept that advice in the back of my mind throughout the exam and sure enough, I was asked the maximum amount of questions. It can be tricky because you can get anywhere from 1 to 20 additional questions, so you have to go in and be prepared for this from the get-go. When I hit question number 126, I took a deep breath and told myself “This means I am passing. The exam is helping me to pass so I just need to do my best on these next up to 20 questions.” I kept my eye on the ball, kept my focus and took my time on those last 20. I had 30 minutes left so more than a question per minute, which I knew was enough time. That little extra time, focus and my positive attitude lead me to passing the CDR exam!

Those final 20 questions are key in passing the exam and it’s your attitude about them that makes the difference. If you find yourself being fed more questions beyond 125, take a deep breath and regain focus. Answering those last questions correctly is what will get you a passing score!

Ditch the confusion and pass with confidence

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