
You deserve to pass your exam
without the drama!
You can cross the finish line and unlock
your career in nutrition without the

Dietetic Internship Program Application

Welcome! At RefreshExamS® we love to help you support your students in a few different ways. We don’t believe that every student needs the exact same type of support to reach their goals.

By sharing the information below about your program and goals, we can determine how to help you best support your students!

We trust that the information you share with us is accurate so that we can use it to give you valuable recommendations.

All of this information is strictly confidential and will not be shared outside of our team.

Your programs’ social media handles:

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Study with experts

Learn from experts currently practicing in their field with real, authentic and up-to-date information.

Pass with confidence

Study with tools that are suited to your individual learning style and pass the exam successfully!

Launch your career!

With the exam under your belt there’s no holding your career as a dietitian back! Be part of the passing percentage!®

"I am so grateful I completed this program. I highly recommend it. It gave me the confidence and knowledge I needed to pass the exam. The knowledge I gained is rewarding and has revived my passion for the field. I became more proud and confident of my knowledge and experiences. I got promoted at work as Senior Training Dietitian. I feel less stressed and relieved that I can fully focus on my pregnancy. Passing the exam came at the perfect time! "
Erin Woods, MS, RDN, CLE